The innovative method in which symmetry, balance and well-being come together.

The "Postural Rebalancing with a Global Approach" is one of the most dynamic, functional and most widespread methods in the Clinical/Postural/Therapeutic/Motor and Sports fields. The "cause-effect" logic, linked to the concept of "decompensated postures" are one of the fundamental peculiarities of this Method: one never acts on the pain, but the hidden, forgotten cause is sought. The search for eutonia (rebalancing the tone of the neuro-myofascial chains), together with the search for symmetry and the dynamic involvement of the diaphragm, are one of the main steps to be taken to restore well-being and functionality, thus eliminating stiffness, blockages, pain, dysfunction.

Professional figures admitted

  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Rehabilitation therapist
  • Speech therapist
  • Osteopath
  • Motorcycle Sciences / Isef graduate
  • Psychomotrician
  • Nurse
  • Massage therapist
  • Lifeguard head masseur
  • Chiropractor
  • Dental technician
  • Optometrist
  • Podiatrist

Student eligibility

Students of all the disciplines mentioned above are also admitted, subject to verification and assessment of eligibility.
Send to curriculum vitae + documentation certifying the training path/studies in progress. Once the documentation has been received, the candidate will be contacted by the Course Secretariat Office. For students, failure to send the necessary documentation for the evaluation precludes the possibility of proceeding with the enrolment.

N.B. The management reserves the right not to accept the request if it is found to be unsuitable.

Other qualifications

At the initial training step, Personal Trainers, Athletic Trainers, Fitness Instructors and Naturopaths are also admitted, subject to verification and evaluation of the training and professional path. Send to curriculum vitae + photo or copy of certifications/certificates in possession. Once the documentation has been received, the candidate will be contacted by the Course Secretariat Office. For these qualifications, failure to send the documentation necessary for the evaluation precludes the possibility of proceeding with the enrolment.

N.B. The management reserves the right not to accept the request if it is found to be unsuitable.

Structure of the training course

The training course will begin with the "Symmetry Table" tool, and then eventually move on to the other tools. The basic training is structured over 3 weekends. The staff will be made up exclusively of health figures. At the end there is a final exam (written multiple-choice test on principles/concepts and exercises seen in the training days). This training is considered valid only if attended in full with the final exam passed. Once the final exam has been passed, the relative certificate of participation will be issued.

After attending the basic training, successive steps of advanced training and specialization are foreseen, with differentiated accesses in relation to the qualification of the professional and the field of interest.

Location and info of the training course

The KINEMED studio located in the heart of the city of Pescara, just 5 minutes from the station and the airport, is home to the KINESYM - Symmetry Therapy courses .


With a total of 90 square meters and 6 KINESYM equipment, it is a center that deals with postural rebalancing at 360 degrees and, in a dedicated room, all the main maneuvers and massage techniques.